(Originally written Nov. 14, 2023)
Today I got my giant cast off and each finger is free. I wasn’t ready to see my nub yet. But Lowell says it’s about at gnarly as he imagined it would look. After the stitches come out, I will have more range of motion. My index finger has a long way to recovery and will need to stay in a splint for a while longer so the ligament heals properly. I am already able to do lots more.

Baby and I are friends again. She can be around me without sobbing and crying for mama milk. Or angry crying about how abandoned and betrayed she felt by the sudden change in our relationship 😭.

I’m doing overall much much better. No digestive issues the past couple of days and am lined up to see some one about all that digestive nonsense too. On the plus side, I lost 12 pounds. Thanks for your prayers, your meals, and your occasional laundry pick up. We feel loved. 🥰